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You want to travel; you are going to need to call us!

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Sometimes people need translations, and they do not know it or know where or how to go about it. This is quite common; a lot of the clients that call in to request a translation are people that are translating their documents for the first time. One of the main reasons non-company clients call-in is because they need to translate their personal documents for traveling purposes. Be it for leisure, to go study abroad, or if they are planning on moving to another country, all embassies have a long list of requirements for you to enter their country.

Some of the paperwork they request are bank statements, birth certificates, among others, and if it is to study abroad, you need your educational transcripts. Aside from needing these documents to be translated, they need to be certified by a sworn translator. The job of a sworn translator is to legally certify that the translated text is 100% loyal to the original version.

So, if you are planning on taking a trip soon, plan accordingly. The processes can tend to be long and tedious; thus, the better informed you are, the further ahead you can get. We will never advise you on what the processes are being that each entity has its own unique processes. Our advice will always be to follow their instructions and when in doubt, call them.

However, the experts in providing you with the perfect translation is ABAM Translations. When you call most agencies, these processes take up to a month for them to deliver. Why? Most agencies prioritize their clients according to the size of the projects. It is to say, the bigger the project, the more priority you have. In ABAM Translations, we do not work that way. To us, all our clients are equally important, no matter the size of their projects or invoices.  Allow us to help you make this process as fast and pleasant as possible. Leave the work to the experts and you just worry about enjoying your trip.